A week full of JavaScript, IT and Community
… taking place in April 2020 in Munich, Germany 📅
We have been very inspired by the community effort to bring even more JS into the week of JS Kongress. We thought about it for a long time to bring together not only 2 days, not 3, not 4 but a whole week of #JSCommunity in Munich.
So we thought about, what we can do to support the community and these are the very first results:
1. we offer a shared coordination sheet, where you can put your proposals and ideas into
2. we will include the Meetups and community-driven events in a special section of our program and website
3. we will help to reach out to people who could be interested
4. we will include your actives in our social media communication
5. if you need any assistance e.g.regarding location scouting, we will try to support you
So let’s make a #JSCommunity week full of JavaScipt in Munich around JSKongress. Our many domestic and international guests and speakers can join these activities and have a greater stay in Munich.